Nintendo 3DS Is Not Coming Out Next Year

The president of Nintendo America recently told Jimmy Fallon that the Nintendo 3DS would be coming out next year. But now it seems the president was mistaken. Geez, you’d think the president of the company would know the date of release for his revolutionary new console.

President Reggie Fils-Aime’s mistake hasn’t been cleared up officially by a Nintendo spokesperson, but according to our brother-site Kotaku’s Japanese Nintendo sources, he was “mistaken” in saying it’d launch next year. Must’ve been too pre-occupied playing Donkey Kong Returns on the Wii, as shown in the video here.

A pre-Christmas launch certainly makes the most sense, if Nintendo really wants to capitalize on the 3D craze this year. We know, thanks to their initial press release on the console, that it’s going to launch before the new financial year begins in April next year. Speaking from experience, if people have any pocket-money left over after January—enough to buy a pricey 3DS—Nintendo will be very lucky indeed.


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. r4

    I Need one NAO !

  2. Carte ds r4

    It will be available in 2011, it’said.

  3. Guest

    are you retarded? the 3ds is actually coming out even less then a year they already CONFIRMED it to be released early march 2011

  4. Bruening

    how much?

  5. whatever

    I need to know something i understand its coming in 2011 in march but when?

  6. Anonymous

    Nintendo 3DS is the best handheld gaming console till date. This is the best thing to buy for $250.

  7. r4

    People keeps for waiting for it and another thing is that through this most of the people feel sad. Hope it will come soon with the best and the most attractive features.  

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