Team Fortress 2 for the Mac

Valve has released Team Fortress 2 for the Mac, along with a funny little video trailer highlighting the old PC vs. Mac fanboy wars (and a great comic featuring the TF2 characters’ first visit to the Apple Store).

If you’ve never played TF2, you’re in for a treat — it’s a multiplayer team-based shooter with a beautiful art style, excellent balance, and a great sense of humor. If you’re a shooter fan, it’s definitely a must-play, and even if you’re only into the top tier of shooters, it’s worth checking out.

And Valve is hoping you’ll do just that — the game is half-off right now, and this weekend, they’re offering up a free weekend of play, so you can download the game on the Steam client, and give it a go through Sunday for absolutely free. It’s not like the Portal deal, where you’ll get to keep it forever, but if you like it this weekend, the full game is a steal at US$10, or you can get it with the whole Orange Box (which includes Half-Life and its two episodic releases) for $30 total. TF2 on the Mac? These are wondrous days we live in.

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