Unreal Engine 3 Dev Kit Coming For iOS

Epic Games to release updated Unreal Engine 3 Dev Kit for iOS on Thursday and Infinity Blade clones coming Friday.UDK will be updated this Thursday, December 16, to add iOS support to the tools suite, reports The Wall Street Journal and Epic’s VP and co-founder, Mark Rein, also confirmed the date via Twitter………

Epic Games is planning to release an updated version of its game-development tools, known as the Unreal Development Kit, to the public Thursday. The kit, which is free to download, will include new tools to create high-quality graphics and animations on iOS, effectively simplifying and speeding up the development processes for games. Epic doesn’t charge license fees to tinker with the kit nor to make free games. But, if developers want to sell their apps, they have to pay a $99 licensing fee and 25% royalties after the first $5,000 in sales.The company recently released “Infinity Blade,” a fighting game that Mr. Rein said could help usher more games with high-end graphics to iOS.Apple’s Game Center social network lists more than 300,000 users playing the game at $5.99 a pop.


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