Cryptography Researchers Win ACM Turing Award 2012

This year’s ACM Turing Award has been bestowed to two cryptography researchers from MIT – Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali. The duo has awarded this recognition for pioneering modern cryptography and devising mechanisms to secure internet communications.

Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali

Goldwasser and Micali started collaborating as graduate students at the University of California at Berkeley. “While toying around with the idea of how to securely play a game of poker over the phone, they devised a scheme for encrypting and ensuring the security of single bits of data. From there, Goldwasser and Micali proved that their scheme could be scaled up to tackle much more complex problems, such as communications protocols and Internet transactions.”

This laid the foundations how modern day communications are encrypted to ensure security. Recognizing their contribution in “revolutionizing the science of cryptography” the ACM panel has selected Goldwasser and Micali for the Turing Award, ften described as the “Nobel Prize in computing.” They will receive a prize money of $250,000 funded by Google and Microsoft.

Source: MIT

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Manoj Pravakar Saha is an Editor of TheTechJournal. He was one the founding members of TheTechJournal. He was working for the telecom gear-maker Ericsson before joining TheTechJournal team. Manoj searches for meaning in this chaotic world. Find him on Google+.

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