AirVideoEnabler For All iOS Apps

One of the features Apple mixed into the secret sauce for iOS 4.2 is called AirPlay,now AirVideoEnabler is hacked for all iOS apps and AirVideoEnabler can enable AirPlay Video streaming.Now you can also stream video from an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to an Apple TV over a home network via AirVideoEnabler….

It was only a few days ago when a proof of concept hack for streaming videos via AirPlay using third party apps was shown on video.By default, Apple’s AirPlay video streaming feature is limited to YouTube app only. But now a new Cydia app by the name of AirVideoEnabler is available with which you can now enable video streaming from your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch to Apple TV 2G using any third party apps, such as Safari.

How To Enable AirPlay Video Streaming In All iOS Apps :

At first you have to subclass basic browser for add service discovery features and told the browser to start searching for AirVideo servers.

-(void)_didFindService:(id)service moreComing:(BOOL)coming
NSLog(@”Service Found. Attempting to resolve: %@ (%d more to come)”, service, coming);
[super _didFindService:service moreComing:coming];
[[service retain] setDelegate:self];
[service resolveWithTimeout:0.0f];

Then use Standard NSNetService calls and created a standard TCP connection to it.

2010-11-24 09:17:48.052 HelloWorld[80:307] Service Found. Attempting to resolve: <NSNetService 0x150320> local. _airplay._tcp. Apple TV (0 more to come)
2010-11-24 09:17:48.098 HelloWorld[80:307] NSNetService did resolve
2010-11-24 09:17:48.104 HelloWorld[80:307]

Then came the hard part, trying to build the server and assign media to it.You needed to resort to kickstarting things in the YouTube application before everything got working my application. This is all proof-of-concept pre-alpha development.Upon resolving, you have to create he MPAirPlayVideoService object and thereafter treated it as a standard movie player.

self.apvs = [[[MPAirPlayVideoService alloc] _initWithNSNetService:service] autorelease];
id item = [[[MPAVItem alloc] initWithPath:CINDY_PATH error:&error] retain];
[apvs setItem:item];
[apvs prepareToDisplayItem:item completionHandler:
^(id whatever, NSError *error){NSLog(@”Prepared”);}];
[apvs playReturningError:&error];

Now for safe App Store with a little screen scraping or off-screen layer manipulation and a clever use of AVFoundation, you can probably have games working out to Apple TV almost immediately.

self.movieController = [[[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:CINDY_PATH]] autorelease];
[movieController setAllowsWirelessPlayback:YES];
movieController.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
[self.view addSubview:movieController.view];,

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Upgraded APPLE TV to 4.2. It will make it alot more useful!I’m really looking forward to seeing a review on how well Air Play works and what apps exactly are allowed to use Air Play.
    Free Apple TV Video Converter

  2. Waynezilla

    I have found that sky mobile tv will play sky news over airplay but not sky sports channels? There must be a work around to get these channels working the same way the news channel does, as they are within the same app!

  3. Waynezilla

    Also Eurosport player works nice on airplay!

  4. Erin

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