Linkedin Goes 100 Million Mark

The social networking LINKEDIN has recently went beyond the amazing 100 million member mark. This is especially good news for advertisers that leverage LinkedIn as a part of their B2B online marketing initiatives, as it means they will be able to reach a larger audience of prospects more effectively.

From linkedin blog:

LinkedIn reached a major milestone: 100 million professionals worldwide.

We’re now growing at roughly one million new LinkedIn members every week, the equivalent of a professional joining the site at faster than one member per second.

We’re making great progress toward our ultimate goal: to connect all of the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

LinkedIn which was established in May 2003 claimed ultimately that its purpose is to provide professionals the ability to link up with other likeminded individuals. It has already integrated Facebook and Twitter so that your professional followers can see your tweets displayed on your profile.

LinkedIn recently updated its on-site advertising platform as well to provide advertisers with more control over their campaigns, which should increase the relevancy of their efforts.


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