Android Jelly Bean Adopted By 10% Of Android Users

Back in August, we reported that despite a much-anticipated launch, Android Jelly Bean’s adoption rate has been rather slow. Back then, the new version was running on approximately 1% of the Android devices. Flash-forward to today and Jelly Bean has already captured more than 10% of the Android hardware.

Android market

Although the growth of Jelly Bean in the Android arena has been rather slow, it is finally gaining momentum. According to the latest statistics released by Google’s Android Device Dashboard, the latest version of its mobile OS is currently running on nearly 10.2% of the devices.

The Dashboard gauges its statistics by analyzing the firmware version running on the Android devices which access Google Play over the past 14 days. In determining the share of Android Jelly Bean, the Dashboard measured the overall share of both Jelly Bean 4.1 and 4.2 to see how many devices were running it.

As it turns out, 9% of the Android devices are currently running Jelly Bean 4.1 whereas another 1.2% have moved on to Jelly Bean 4.2. One of the key reasons why the overall share of Jelly Bean has significantly bumped in recent days is the fact that a number of Android vendors have rolled out Jelly Bean updates to their more recent releases.

Specifically, over the past few months, we saw Samsung, Motorola and other vendors dish out Jelly Bean updates to a number of their devices, sometimes through the carriers carrying the device in question. However, despite the enhanced share in the market, the overall Android platform still remains highly fragmented, which means that the job of Android apps developers hasn’t grown any easier.

Source: Android Device Dashboard

Courtesy: Engadget

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Salman Latif is a software engineer with a specific interest in social media, big data and real-world solutions using the two.Other than that, he is a bit of a gypsy. He also writes in his own blog. You can find him on Google+ and Twitter .

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