Rumors:Pwnage Tool 4.1 Set To Be Released This Sunday for iPhone 4 Jailbreak on iOS 4.1 and Apple TV 2G

MuscleNerd ( iPhone Dev Team Hacker) has announced the PwnageTool for Mac. Pwnage Tool is going to be released on Sunday. This release will help you in jailbreaking the Apple TV 2G.Just like GreenPoisOn’s current release, which was based on the Limera1n exploit, the PwnageTool will based on this as well.

MuscleNerd tweeted:

For AppleTV 2G users, the goal is for PwnageTool to cover you by Funday/Sunday (but still very limited app capability).

If MuscleNerd is true, we will have the PwnageTool available for download on October 17 [coming Sunday].
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