PlayStation 4 And Xbox 720 May Arrive In June, Priced Between $350-$400

Gamers around the globe have been eagerly waiting for both Sony and Microsoft to come up with their next-generation game consoles. It has been a while since the two vendors launched their last consoles and a new release is rightly due. Rumors have it that Sony and Microsoft may announce PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 respectively in June this year.

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Microsoft’s Surface Pro Tablet Attracted The Crowd At CES

Microsoft has been fairly aloof from the CES 2013 event in Las Vegas. The company did take an exception though, and didn’t forget to show off its upcoming Surface Pro tablet. The tablet packs a Core i5 processor, runs Windows 8 Pro and so far, has attracted raving reviews at the show.

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Motorola Solutions HC1: An Excellently Designed, Modular Head-Mounted Computer

Head-mounted computers may not have a very vast commercial appeal but they are surely a very useul tool for those who have to wear helmets in their line of work. Unveiled at the CES event, Motorola Solutions HC1 is a modular head-mounted computer which comes with an excellent design and programmable features.

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Microsoft Shows Off Illumiroom, Projects Images Across An Entire 3D Area

During Samsung’s CES 2013 keynote, Microsoft also took the stage for a while. The company showed up a new display technology which apparently projects images and lights all across a given environment, rather than confining it to a screen. The company has dubbed the technology ‘Illumiroom.’

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Dell Promises 32GB Latitude 10 Tablet For $499

During the CES 2013 event, Dell was quick to show off its work-oriented Windows 8 tablet – Dell Latitude 10. The tablet is fairly good and comes packed with a number of apps that are essential for professionals and students alike. The company is promising that a more affordable version of the tablet will soon be launched.

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Netflix Gives A Glimpse Of Family Profiles, HD And 3D Streaming

Netflix users have long been demanding the company to provide a feature which enables individual family members to set up their own profiles. The company has apparently pay heed to the requests as it afforded a preview of the family profiles feature during CES 2013. It also gave a glimpse of the Super HD and 3D streaming soon coming to Netflix users.

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