Lawyer Sues Microsoft, Alleging Misleading Surface Tablet Advertisement

Lawsuits are a good way to keep corporate entities in check. But sometimes, they do border on the ridiculous. So seems to be the case with lawsuit filed by a California lawyer who alleges that Microsoft didn’t properly advertise the available storage space on a Surface tablet.

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[Tutorial] How To Undo Merge Between Skype And Microsoft Account

Microsoft is prompting users of Windows Live Messenger to merge their Skype accounts with Microsoft accounts. Many people don’t pay too much attention to this, but be advised that once these two accounts are linked, there are small chances you can undo this process. But if you really need to reverse it, follow the steps below to make a request to Skype support to make the changes.

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Israel And Palestine Hit By New Malware Attacks

It seems that Middle East is fast becoming the primary target for malware authors. First the region was hit with Flame malware, then with another close variant of it and now Palestine and Israel are reportedly being hit with a new ‘Benny Gantz-55’ malware.

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Microsoft Store Is A Success, Welcomed More Than 15 Million Customers So Far

When Microsoft launched its own retail stores, much like Apple Store locations, many lambasted the company for ripping the idea off of Apple. However, Microsoft’s stores have been a success and the company has revealed that so far, its retail localities have been visited by more than 15 million people.

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