Microsoft ‘Mistakenly’ Issues DMCA Notices Against Wikipedia, BBC, TechCrunch

The original idea of sending DMCA notices to websites was to help different companies protect their copyrighted content online. DMCA notices are sent in cases where a clear infringement of copyrights occurs. Google, being the most-used search engine, is often sent DMCA notices to take down different sites from its search results over alleged infringement. Interestingly, Microsoft recently asked Google to censor BBC, CNN, Wikipedia, TechCrunch and many other mainstream websites.

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Microsoft To Launch Xbox Music On October 26

It’s just not the Windows 8 or Surface tablets Microsoft is planning to release on October 26. The software giant will launch music service for Xbox on the same day. The Verge reported the new development citing sources familiar with Microsoft’s plan. The new Xbox Music service will be available on Windows Phone, Windows 8 and Xbox 360.

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Hawken: The War Is Machine – Scheduled To Release In December

“The War Is Machine”- is the tag line of the first person, mechanical and vehicular combat game titled Hawken. This will considered the last bog budget game to be released in2012. Players who like first person shooting, battle games will like this game. The game will available only in single player mode and also only in PC platform. The game is developed by Adhesive Games.

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IM Applications That Can Replace MSN and Gtalk

In the land of instant messengers, Windows Live Messenger and GTalk are kings. But that does not mean they are the only inhabitants. We used to use these programs because they are the mainstream, so to speak, but we have other alternatives that offer different features and capabilities and today I will present you some of them.

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Rovio Planning To Release Star Wars Version Of Angry Birds?

Yesterday morning, Rovio teased its fans through a tweet hinting a collaboration between Angry Birds and Star Wars. The tweet termed the ‘collaboration’ to be the “next big thing” from Rovio and leads followers to the Angry Bird Tumblr page where a photo of a bird holding a lightsaber appears. The release event will be held on October 8 at 10 AM eastern time at Times Square, New York. Rovio wants you to,”head to Toys R Us at 8am EST”; hence, we’re assuming you can pick-up the new Angry Bird Star Wars toy in-store then.

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Joint Venture Between Microsoft And Barnes & Noble Termed ‘NOOK Media’

Microsoft has been spending around a lot of cash to gear up multiple services for its upcoming OS, Windows 8. Given the fact that Windows 8 has been specifically tweaked to run on mobile devices such as tablets and machines with touchscreens, it is no wonder that Microsoft has poured in a major stake into a new partnership with Nook, apparently to bolster support for Windows 8 digital reading apps.

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