Quantum Computers May Be Able To Simulate Particle Collisions In Future

Quantum computers are something that still exist just in theory and their practical manifestations may take a lot of years to appear. The concept behind such computers is that the switches in their processors will be able to be in ‘on’ and ‘off’ state at the same time, thus providing a whole load of extra possibilities for computing.

Whereas supercomputers exist today, quantum computers will be a league apart from these machines. Scientists hope that with the help of the quantum computers, physicists may be able to determine a number of phenomenon that exist in the universe, phenomenon that still haven’t been understood well enough.

According to a theorist at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Stephen Jordan, “We have this theoretical model of the quantum computer, and one of the big questions is, what physical processes that occur in nature can that model represent efficiently. Maybe particle collisions, maybe the early universe after the Big Bang? Can we use a quantum computer to simulate them and tell us what to expect?”

Simulating such scenarios and trying to determine their possible outcomes can become really, really complex since a whole lot of factors have to be considered. Such a task is not possible, even for the supercomputers that exist today. The team at NIST has been able to devise an algorithm that would run on a quantum computer.

This algorithm is quite ground-breaking in that it can be used to simulate all possible interactions between two colliding elementary particles. However, the algorithm such heavy computing that it can be run only on a quantum computer.

Caltech’s Professor John Preskill is of the view, “What’s nice about the simulation is that you can raise the complexity of the problem by increasing the energy of the particles and collisions, but the difficulty of solving the problem does not increase so fast that it becomes unmanageable. It means a quantum computer could handle it feasibly.”

This is definitely encouraging since if indeed this is possible, physicists may finally be able to find answers to a lot of unanswered questions.

Source: TG Daily



Salman Latif is a software engineer with a specific interest in social media, big data and real-world solutions using the two.Other than that, he is a bit of a gypsy. He also writes in his own blog. You can find him on Google+ and Twitter .

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. paul

    my question could we create after quantum theory , could create in virtual and phisical replacement of object ….with body exchange with mind of human in one kind to another …/
    the body could be virtually add and substract DNA and RNA also the brain could fit ..the man who have no hand could replace .

    the vital body to inreverse of austral travel of body and transmigration ,… transformation of body state …tangiable state of body in power to the extra …sexiest body change like a human in more than one face the central objective of mind could recalculate in this spectrum of matrix..
    trans configure body in extra powers …set password of human . how the metrix of the univers in biological … weapon.?
    how about transigure and extra reorientation of virtual to phisical and disappear how the words could set voice texture of prediction happen in science ,,…operating system work in extra ordinary .. hyper ,,omaga…gathering extensifiable language .

  2. Jewell Broussard

    how about transigure and extra reorientation of virtual to phisical and
    disappear how the words could set voice texture of prediction happen in
    science ,,…operating system work in extra ordinary .. hyper
    ,,omaga…gathering extensifiable language .


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