Scientists Develop First Ever Artificial Implantable Kidney

Scientists have announced that they have developed the first ever implantable artificial kidney that can be powered by the human body’s circulatory system. This could one day replace the current medical procedures of kidney donation and dialysis. The device was developed by a consortium of 10 different research teams, lead by a University of California-San Fransisco scientist.

Currently the device is as large as a room, although fabrication processes used to make silicon chips could conceivably be used to make coffee-cup-sized devices, which could take thousands of people off dialysis machines or kidney-donor waiting lists.

The multi-institutional team, led by UCSF professor Shuvo Roy, formerly of the Cleveland Clinic, is the first to demonstrate technology that could be feasibly downsized into a transplant device.

It’s a two-stage system involving thousands of nanoscale filters placed in a “BioCartridge,” which would remove toxins from the blood. A “HemoCartridge” bioreactor made of engineered renal tubule cells would mimic the metabolic and water-balancing roles of a real kidney. The system uses a patient’s blood pressure to perform filtration without the use of pumps, according to a UCSF news release.

Currently, transplants and dialysis are the only ways to treat kidney failure. An implantable device would obviously be preferable, but so far, scientists have not been able to come up with a system that mimics everything the kidney can do.

The new system relies on the latest advances in nanotechnology and tissue generation, Roy said. He hopes to use silicon-fabrication technology to make the device small enough for transplant.

“This could dramatically reduce the burden of renal failure for millions of people worldwide, while also reducing one of the largest costs in U.S. healthcare,” he said.

Source: Popular Science.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Smives

    saw this article before i wonder how long this will actually take make the size of a transplantable device? i can only assume it would be transplanted abdomenly as is a kidney transplant?

  2. Rinkal_smart_143

    any one have a contact no or email address of SHUVO ROY

  3. Rinkal_smart_143

    any one have a contact no or email address of SHUVO ROY

  4. abdullalol

    those people are really amazing and super smart

  5. Anonymous

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  6. Rambika18

    when will this artificial kidney be available for the renal failure patients?because this is the boon not only for them but also for their entire family especially young wives.please make it faster to release this implantable kidney as soon as possible to live a healthy and longer life for those patients.please help them.make it fast please

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