Fix iTunes 10 Grey Colored Icon Issues [How To Guide]

Apple has already released iTunes 10.But in iTunes 10 there is a colorless interface and grey buttons that may bothering you.If you want colored icons from the old version (iTunes 9.2) with iTunes 10,just follow the step by step guideline.

The steps are given below.

Step 1: Download

Step 2: Navigate to the Applications folder and right click and select “Show Package Contents” on iTunes to show ‘Contents’ folder.

Step 3: You must take a backup of iTunes.rsrc before replacing it. To do so, navigate to /Applications/ and copy iTunes.rsrc to your desktop.

Step 4: Copy the iTunes.rsrc file (from step 1) into /Applications/ folder, to replace existing file.

That’s all.

If you don’t want to install this file you can alternatively try this method:

Navigate to the Terminal and enter the following command, and then relaunch iTunes (to revert this change, repeat the command with “NO” instead of “YES”):

defaults write full-window -boolean YES


This Post Has One Comment

  1. muzicdave

    try they have skins for itunes, lyrics, hotkeys and messenger integration.

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