How To Upload Photos & Send Message In Instagram From Web

Instagram was first launched for iOS users back in October of 2010. A year later it was launched for Android users as well. And finally, in 2012, Instagram launched its very own Web-Version. If your posts are set to public, anyone will be able to see your profile by visiting[your username] on the web. If your posts are set to private, your photos will be visible to people logged into Instagram who you’ve approved to follow you. But that’s not the issue. The problem will arise when you want to send direct messages using the Web version of Instagram.

There are a few differences between the Web and App version of Instagram. Using the web version of Instagram you can Like, Comment and share public Instagram Posts. You will also receive notifications and can check them from your Web-Browser. But, you cannot send Direct Messages. Also, you cannot upload new posts (images, videos) from the Web version. To some, these are the biggest drawback of the Web version of Instagram. Apart from these little differences, the Web Version of Instagram comes with all the necessary functionalities.

But luckily there are some workarounds in case you want to send Instagram direct messages as well as upload new images and videos from your desktop.


Get for Windows or macOS

IGdm is a Desktop messaging app for Instagram. You can simply continue your chats from your phones to your computers. This Desktop application is available for both macOS and Windows. This application is the ideal solution if you only intend to send DMs from your Desktop.


Get for your macOS

Using this macOS application you can start a conversation with friends, customers, and fans. Share your favorite profiles, posts, hashtags, locations and more. And yes, of course, you can send direct messages.

Wrap Up!

We have been hearing rumors about Instagram introducing the DM feature into its Web version. But that hasn’t been confirmed by the Instagram team yet. But no worries, the two Desktop applications listed above will help you send DMs to your friends and fans on Instagram. In the meantime, did you know you can Download Instagram Data To Save Your Pictures & Stories Offline? 

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