Some of the world records are quite silly but nonetheless significant in their own, strange ways. To the gaming buffs, accomplishing a world-wide record which is somehow relevant to gaming may be a huge accomplishment. Apparently, Ryan Sullivan is also one such video games buff. A few days ago, the crown of playing most game consoles within 60 seconds rested with Jimmy Fallon. To be exact, it was nine game consoles being played within 60 seconds. However, now this record is with Ryan Sullivan who demonstrated playing 13 game consoles in a single minute!
Ryan Sullivan hails from Columbus, Ohio. he was able to Jimmy’s record by playing 13 different gaming consoles within 60 seconds. Of course it’s hard to define ‘play’ here but some definite rules were observed during the making of the record.
He didn’t play a same console twice, so there really were 13 different gaming consoles that he played. Moreover, in order for a console to count, you must play the game on that console and make some tiny progress in that game. Ryan apparently abided by both of these rules and hence is hailed as the new record-holder of this title.
The games that he played in making the new record are listed below:
SNES: Super Mario World
Wii: Wii Sports Resort (100 Pin Bowling)
Xbox 360: Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition
Gamecube: Super Smash Bros. Melee
NES: Legend of Zelda
Dreamcast: Crazy Taxi
PlayStation: Gex
Genesis: Sonic The Hedgehog
Xbox: Halo 2
PS2: Namco Museum 50th Anniversary (Rolling Thunder)
Sega Saturn: Revolution X
PS3: Tekken 6
Atari 2600: Missile Command
Image courtesy FSurroca.
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