Apple has been releasing its new iPad in a lot of countries, though in phases. This shows Apple’s ambition to go really global, by ensuring the presence of its products in as many countries as possible. The primary bone of contention, when launching a device in a country, is to strike a deal with the local authorities as well as carriers. Apparently, Apple has accomplished both when it comes to Taiwan.
Users in Taiwan have long anticipated the arrival of Apple’s flagship tablet. So far, Apple hasn’t released iPad in the country and the tablet hasn’t been available there. However, it seems that things are changing now. With Apple gearing up to release its much-touted new iPad in a lot of countries where the tablet was priorly unavailable, Taiwan is also on the list.
A number of mobile operators from Taiwan have announced that users can now register to get their hands on the tablet. This evidently means that Apple has been able to successfully reach a deal with these operators and that we can expect the tablet to hit the shelves within a few weeks from now.
Among the top three mobile operators in Taiwan, two are already accepting pre-orders for Apple’s 4G-enabled new iPad. However, just a little off the map, China still remains somewhat of a problem for Apple. Apple is currently locked in a legal battle with Proview over the copyrights of the trademark name, ‘iPad.’
Not only that, Apple also had problems having the tablet cleared with the authorities in China. This, and a number of other factors have contributed to a delay in the launch of iPad in China. While we do hope that eventually Apple will be able to launch the device, for now it is a long wait for prospective Chinese users.
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