The iPhone iOS 4.1 System Update Corrects The Bar Signal Display

Just as Apple promised, they have fixed the previous problem with the iPhone’s bar signal display in their new system update. In addition, they have made another “enhancement”: Taller signal bars! Free tip: If you paint flames on the back of your iPhone 4, it runs 2.3x faster.

I kid you not. This is 100% real, and was previously announced by Apple in their press release. I personally think it’s hilarious.

Sadly, neither the fixed signal bar display nor the taller bars will solve the antenna reception problem. Hopefully, something positive will be announced this friday. Like free bumpers.

Source: Gizmodo.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Luv2xlr8it

    4.1 software update causes my phone to get low signal call fail etc this really suck the least the people should say is admit that they dropped the ball on this one instead of giving us a bunch of bullshit about resetting phone and restoring come on we have a life outside there than to be wasting our time for your mistakes

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