LulzSec is among one of the most well-known hacktivist outfits online. The group has been involved in many high-profile hacks in the past. Now, a court has sentenced three LulzSec members to prison terms ranging between one and three years.
The three members that had been identified to be a part of LulzSec are Jake Davis, Ryan Ackroyd and Mustafa al-Bassam. The charges leveled against the trio include many important hacks in the recent past.
For instance, the three hackers have been charged with having launched attacks on Serious Organised Crime Agency as well as on the networks of Sony, Nintendo. In a hacking spree that lasted for 50 days, the three hackers attacked and hacked websites of many government and police bodies as well.
In its verdict, the court has sentenced Davis to serve 24 months in a young offender’s institution. Due to his age, Davis will be able to get off by serving 12 months in total. Mustafa Al-Bassam has been handed a 20-month sentence as well as a suspension for two years. Finally, Ackroyd was given a 30-month sentence, which will be trimmed down in half when served.
Most of LulzSec members have been identified by FBI with the help of Sabu. Sabu, who was once a top-ranked LulzSec hacker, eventually turned out to be an informant for the FBI. With his help, FBI was able to nab one LulzSec hackers after the other. Some Anonymous hackers have also come under the axe in the recent months.
Courtesy: SC Magazine