Religious Sites Infect Your Computer More Often Than Porn Sites

Many readers may feel surprised at the title of this article but that is what a latest study reveals. According to the study, you are far more likely to be a victim of a malware when visiting a religious website as compared to when visiting a porn site.

These rather astonishing details have been revealed by a study that has been done by the well-known security firm, Symantec. According to Symantec, such websites which host religious or ideological content are three times more dangerous than adult sites, when it comes to the threat of malware. This essentially means that if you visit a religious website, as compared to a porn website, your computer is at a greater risk.

Symantec further categorized the websites to reveal what type of websites are usually dangerous and contain malicious code. According to the company, blogs and website related to web communications are most likely to contain malicious codes. Every one out of five websites in this category were infected.

Next in the list is websites related to “hosting/personal hosted” sites. About 15.6% of the websites in this category are infected. Finally, 10% of the websites which are classified under the tag of ‘business/economy’ are also infected and dangerous.

The common perception is that porn websites are often the hubs of malware. But the shocking news is that according to this study, only 2.4% of adult sites contain any kind of malware. And the report offers a very adequate explanation of this phenomenon in these words, “We hypothesize that this is because pornographic website owners already make money from the Internet and, as a result, have a vested interest in keeping their sites malware-free; it’s not good for repeat business.”

Source: Symantec

Courtesy: Mashable

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Salman Latif is a software engineer with a specific interest in social media, big data and real-world solutions using the two.Other than that, he is a bit of a gypsy. He also writes in his own blog. You can find him on Google+ and Twitter .

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