Video Of Steve Jobs And Walter Isaacson Interview

CBS has posted the full 60 Minutes interview with Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, including a number of extras that weren’t included in the broadcast piece and the double-length interview promotes Jobs’ authorized biography and this biography already available on iBooks in some parts of the world. In the video clip, Isaacson also talks about Jobs agreeing to meet with Google’s Larry Page, even though Jobs believed Google’s Android ripped off Apple and the clip also gets into Jobs’ and Gates’ long and complicated relationship…………………


CBS has posted videos of the 60 minutes interview with Walter Isaacson, who has written Steve Jobs‘ official biography and Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson will give us an early peak at his book Steve Jobs. Isaacson received the blessing of Jobs to tell as accurate a story of his life as possible and the interview includes taped conversations between Isaacson and Jobs, who can be heard recalling memories from his life. Here’s a script from the 60 minutes episode on Steve Jobs and after that you will find a preview of what Isaacson said about Steve Jobs’ Biography from CBS:

Seven years ago, Steve Jobs asked Walter Isaacson, a former editor of TIME Magazine, if he would write his biography. Isaacson, who has done books about Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein, thought the request presumptuous and premature, since Jobs was still a young man. What Isaacson didn’t know at the time, and only a few people did, was that Jobs was about to undergo surgery for pancreatic cancer and was feeling his mortality. It speaks to the secrecy with which Jobs conducted his life and his business, adding mystery to an already compelling figure.

“I’ve asked [Jobs why he didn’t get an operation then] and he said, ‘I didn’t want my body to be opened…I didn’t want to be violated in that way,’” Isaacson recalls. So he waited nine months, while his wife and others urged him to do it, before getting the operation, reveals Isaacson. Asked by Kroft how such an intelligent man could make such a seemingly stupid decision, Isaacson replies, “I think that he kind of felt that if you ignore something, if you don’t want something to exist, you can have magical thinking…we talked about this a lot,” he tells Kroft. “He wanted to talk about it, how he regretted it….I think he felt he should have been operated on sooner.”

Isaacson reveals several of the best stories from the biography, including the fact that Jobs had actually met the man who turned out to be his biological father before he knew who he was. He also talks about the discussion he had with Jobs about death and the afterlife, explaining that for Jobs, the odds of there being a God were 50-50, but that he thought about the existence of God much more once he was diagnosed with cancer. Another aspect of Jobs’ character revealed was his disdain for conspicuous consumption. He tells Isaacson in a taped conversation how he saw Apple staffers turn into “bizarro people” by the riches the Apple stock offering created. Isaacson says Jobs vowed never to let his wealth change him.



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