Mitsubishi installs World’s Largest Elevator

Japan has installed five of Mitsubishi Electric’s largest elevators—capable of squeezing in 80 people each.It could be the world’s largest elevator,measuring about the size of any living room.

It measures 3.4m wide, 2.8m long and 2.6m high, and can take 5,250kg of weight—an average of 65kgs per person. If all five elevators were in operation at once, with full capacity, they could carry 400 people up the 41 floors of the Umeda Hankyu Building.

Source: Mitsubishi

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Walt. D.

    I would like for you to check the dimensions and number of people that elevator can carry. By code the floor area allows only 71 people. The capacity according to floor area is correct. Also, on a scale of large, this one makes the top 75%. It is not close to the wolrds largest by any way that you look at it. Even when this article was written in 2010.

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