Dmitry Itskov Believes Immortality Will Be Achieved By 2045

A couple of days ago one of the most curious and utopian conferences, the Global Future 2045 International Congress, took place in New York City from June 15-16, where some of the brightest minds in the field of neuroscience, biotechnology and robotics assembled to discuss the prospect of transferring the human brain and mind out of the biological body and into an artificial vessel. 32-year-old Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov also spoke there. He said that he believes that it’s possible to transfer human brain to machines by 2045 and live forever.

Dmitry Itskov At Global Future 2045 International Congress

Although James Cameron’s one of the biggest blockbuster movies “Avatar” took place more than 140 years into the future, Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov has teamed with  dozens of scientists to lay out a plan that would use avatars to transfer human consciousness into an artificial form. The goal:  human immortality by 2045. For this, Itskov founded The 2045 Initiative, a life-extension project in February 2011. See the video below where you will find the entire speculations of 2045.

The project 2045 offers a timeline for immortality over the next 33 years. Beginning with remotely controlled robotic avatars and re-creating the human brain through computer models, the end result would be human immortality in the form of holographic avatars. However, The 2045 Initiative, which has  had a major social media blitz, brought together 30 top Russian scientists to develop the “imortal” technology, laying out  the plan for human immortality on its website.

2045 Avatar Project Milestone

Few days ago when the Global Future 2045 International Congress conference took place in New York City, Itskov outlined a clear schedule that he believes should meet by 2045. According to him,

  • by 2020 humans will be able to remotely robots using our brains, using them like a sort of avatar.
  • by 2025 it will be possible to transplant the human brain into a robotic life-support system, essentially making the brain the only biological component.
  • by 2035 an avatar will be created in which a human personality can be transferred at the end of  life
  • by 2045 the brain itself is no longer needed, and all cortex functions, memories, personality and so on are transferred on a computer, thus avoiding biological degradation, leaving way for immortality.

At present, Itskov is trying to promote his vision as much as possible, and even intends on creating a movement, involving governments and the United Nations, to work toward a common goal. Hear Itskov’s thought at his own voice.

Undoubtedly, Avatar gives the idea of a future virtual world. And the day is not so far when animated Avatar comes in reality as a robot. If, by any chance, Itskov’s predictions comes true, how many of you would be ready to renounce your fragile and ephemeral bodies for the chance of immortality? How many of you would prefer to be boxed inside a computer chip?

Source: ZME Sciecnce
Thanks To: ABC News

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Anatol Rahman is the Editor at TheTechJournal. He loves complicated machineries, and crazy about robot and space. He likes cycling. Before joining TheTechJournal team, he worked in the telemarketing industry. You can catch him on Google+.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tsais

    This is wonderfully absurd…

    By all means, go ahead, but aren’t they kind of missing the point…?

    A person’s “personality” is the lowest element of self, some even call it the dross we should pass beyond on our way.

    So, if this is what you are going to retain, its like throwing away diamonds in order to hold on to pebbles…

    Either way, I wouldn’t be interested; staying here forever, you’d just run into the vampire’s dilemma… seen everything, done everything, getting terribly bored. Enough people already hit this stage during their natural life.

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