Live The Internet With Karotz: The First-Ever Facebook Hardware

Karotz is the new intelligent gadget that learns and as a result will enhance your lifestyle, change the way you communicate and entertain you with music and media. Violet launches its latest Smart Rabbit Robotic companions called Karotz- the only Facebook hardware in the world. It turns social networking into a natural way of life allowing people to interact without a computer or smartphone.

Troupe Karotz by Violet

The Karotz “smart” rabbit is the first-ever hardware device tailor-made especially for Facebook. It is the third generation of the multipurpose, internet-connected rabbits which first launched in 2005 as Nabaztag and has since become an Internet icon. The immensely popular robotic companions transform daily life by providing a link to family, friends and the world. Karotz is now compatible with Facebook– a wonderful addition to its already extensive range of features.

“We are excited to launch the new Karotz smart rabbit which is compatible with Facebook, to allow people to interact both with their new companion and with their friends wherever they are“, Fabien Bardinet, CEO of Violet. “Following the successful launch of Karotz in the US at CES this year, we are confident that it will also do very well in Europe as Karotz already has a strong fan base of people who like to keep in touch with their friends and family via social networking sites on a daily basis. The concept behind Karotz is to make communicating with friends and sharing information both an interactive and fun experience.”

Karotz can record and post status updates as an audio file, text or photo directly to your Facebook wall. You can speak directly to Karotz and share news and thoughts with friends at any time of day in real time by updating your Facebook status. You can also show friends what Karotz sees by taking a picture of yourself via the built-in webcam and posting it directly on your Facebook wall. In a few days friends will also be able to take control of your new companion Karotz via the Facebook app to communicate with you by sending messages and audio files and even sending you a poke.

How does it work?
First, you need to put your Karotz in Facebook mode by saying “Facebook.” You will then be able to take pictures via the webcam and post these directly on your wall simply by saying ‘picture’ to it. You can convert spoken words to text by saying ‘text’ directly to Karotz in order to update your Facebook status and to send messages. You can also ask your favorite companion to read aloud any comments from your Facebook account. Meantime, there are many more features to discover on

Troupe Karotz by Violet

Karotz enables people to become increasingly interconnected as they can easily interact with the online community at any time of day and become part of the global village where sharing news, thoughts and pictures online in real time is possible wherever they are. As much as social networks are now part of everyday life, Karotz is too, and is an indispensable device in order to receive and to share information via the internet.

Karotz leads us to a new interactive experience in order to benefit from the richness of the Internet, which opens up a whole new form of connected lifestyles!

The Karotz smart rabbit is available now at, for $129.99 MSRP (£124.99 / 129.99 Euros).

Karotz offers many more unique features. Using advanced voice recognition software your companion can search the Internet for any questions or requests. Karotz also has the ability to play music, check for new emails, read the weather forecast, RSS feeds, tweets and more. Karotz can share what it sees or hears using its camera or microphone. Karotz is at the heart of people’s lives and in sync with all the important events in the day.

Violet also offers a wide range of Karotz accessories including the Nanoztag and the Flatnanoz key ring tags which feature RFID chips and can be used to launch an application or to check in and send an email to alert the Karotz owner when their child or roommate is home. Karotz owners can customize the look of their little buddy with a USB tail or Skinz tattoos.


Karotzhides major computing power underneath its cute rabbit shell!


  • Learns its owner’s voice, habits and routine
  • Responds to verbal requests for weather, traffic, news, stock updates, horoscopes & more
  • Remindsyou of appointments, holidays, birthdays and more
  • Wakes you up to your favoritemusic


  • Readse-mails, friends’ Facebookstatus updates and tweets aloud
  • Allows the user to talk for free with fellow Karotzfriends, via direct chat or a smart phone


  • Plays Web radio stations, MP3 files/podcasts from USB drives, computers, phones & iPods
  • Tutors kids by reading pre-recorded stories & coaching with educational games
  • Interactive games and quizzes


  • Integrated webcam sends images directly to a smart phone or computer, so you can see everything that Karotzsees
  • RFID chip sensor also provides instant updates, such as reporting when the kids get home from school


  • KarotzStore website is a cooperative global online community where developers can create and sell apps

Availability: Across North America beginning in March

The free Karotz Controller application is currently available from the Appstore and on Android Market!

Android App

About Violet and Karotz
Karotz is a multipurpose Internet-connected rabbit. He moves his ears, speaks, reads, listens, his body lights up and he even detects the presence of other objects (by sniffing them). As he is permanently connected to the Internet, he can act, react, transmit or broadcast many types of content available over his network, – news, messages, music, text, alerts, radio, etc. He can hear you, obey your commands and even recognize things you give it to “sniff”. Born in 2005, Nabaztag has since become an Icon for the new era of smart, communicating objects. Karotz was launched in 2011 and is the third generation of multipurpose rabbits. Amongst the new features, Karotz also knows how to see and can show its owner what it sees wherever they are situated in the world and they can also listen via a PC or a Smartphone.

Follow Karotz on Twitter @Karotz and Facebook for the latest news on the popular smart rabbit.

Troupe Karotz by Violet
Troupe Karotz by Violet
Troupe Karotz by Violet
Troupe Karotz by Violet
Troupe Karotz by Violet
Troupe Karotz by Violet
Troupe Karotz by Violet

Source: Karotz


Forman Forhad is a Staff Writer at TheTechJournal. He is a Physics Graduate. Forhad covers tech products and industry news. Follow him on Twitter And Google+.

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