Google’s latest iteration of Android OS, namely Ice Cream Sandwich, has been open for quite some time now. However, some vendors have been really slow in rolling out the update to their respective devices. One of these devices would be Verizon-supported Motorola Xoom tablet.
The Wi-Fi version of Motorola Xoom was able to get the ICS update as far back as April this year. However, the Verizon version of the tablet still hasn’t received the update and users have been desperately waiting for the update to land.
The good news is that we finally do know a date when this upgrade will arrive for Verizon’s Xoom users. The date has been announced by Verizon itself and it is June 4th, to be exact. On June 4th, all such Motorola Xoom tablets which have Verizon as their wireless carrier will be able to enjoy Android 4.0.4 on their tablets.
With the update will also arrive a whole lot of new features on the tablet. These new features include built-in photo editor, dismissing notifications with a single swipe and speech-to-text functionality. All of these features are quite significant and can greatly enhance the experience of using the Xoom tablet.
The overall size of the update, according to Verizon, will be 107.9MB and will be rolled out to the users as an over-the-air update.
Source: Verizon
Courtesy: The Verge
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However, some vendors have been really slow in rolling out the update to their respective devices.