Court Accepts Access to Identitfy Visitors of, YouTube and Twitter

A Judge has granted Sony’s request for information that could identify anyone that has visited the web sites belonging to hacker GeorgeGeohot’ Hotz. The 21 years old little hacking master Geohot (George Hotz) is facing the worst days of his jailbreaking career since Sony is giving no way to him to escape from the lawsuit filed against him.

It’s the subpoena of the web site hosts, Bluehost that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. As CrunchGear writes, Sony claims the requests are ‘narrowly tailored’, though looking through the information requested we find that a little hard to swallow.

Sony contends that the subpoenas are “narrowly tailored for jurisdictional discovery.” Yet their subpoena for Bluehost, GeoHot’s host, requires “all server logs, IP address logs, account information, account access records and application or registration forms” and “any other identifying information corresponding to persons or computers who have accessed or downloaded files hosted using your service and associated with the website, including but not limited to the file.” Essentially, everyone who visited GeoHot’s site (or his blog at Blogspot) is subject to involvement in this case.

Fortunately Bluehost is not the only goat to sacrifice; YouTube will also be dragged into the court for revealing the identity of all those folks who have watched videos related to PS3 jailbreak– It is really another gigantic twist in the Geohot-Sony War.

EFF protests on this issue by writing a letter to the Magistrate which reads;

The discovery seeks information about non-parties and… the relationship to the narrow jurisdictional question at issue [i.e. where the case should be tried] seem tenuous at best.

The issue of where the case should be tried refers to Sony’s request for proceedings to be heard in San Francisco. The reason for this is it’s the home of YouTube, Google and Twitter and is close to Sony’s headquarters.

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