Naima CFW 3.55 / 60 Hybrid With Full PSN Network

A new hybrid PS3 firmware 3.55 and 3.60 has been released and now available for download. The hacker named Naima has released this CFW called Naima CFW 3.55 / 60 hybrid. It will allow you to access full PSN network for games.

Naima PS3 CFW 3.55/3.60 Hybrid uses some files from PS3 firmware 3.60 but most of the files are from same old firmware.

According to Hakcer, this patch only modifies 3 bytes of vsh.self, which are required to spoof PS3 to think as if it’s running on 3.60 FW.

Download Naima PS3 CFW 3.55/3.60 Hybrid.

Warning: This blog post is only for educational purpose. We don’t mean to provide any help to jailbreakers nor we developer jailbreaking tools and app by our own. We suggest you to not access PSN on your jailbroken PS3 because Sony banns all the jailbroken PS3. This anti-jailbreaking campaign by Sony is still in process and nobody knows that by which method Sony is tracking the jailbroken PS3.


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