iPhone Instapaper App Looks Beautiful On The iPad

If you’ve been using Instapaper on your iPhone or Kindle, you know how cool the service is: it lets you save articles on the web for later reading simply by placing a bookmarklet in your browser’s toolbar, and when you click it the article is beamed to your account for reading later on your device or in your browser, stripped of clutter and reduced to the plan text.

So that’s why you should check out Instapaper on the iPad, it looks gorgeous. Instapaper developer Marco Arment decided to aim to have Instapaper all iPad-ready by day one (or as close to day one as possible), so he’s already showing off how it’ll look. And while it’s a pretty straightforward adjustment of the iPhone app, it just looks right on the iPad. This sort of app is exactly what tablets were made for.

If you’ve got Instapaper Pro on the iPhone already, you’ll get it on the iPad for free, too. Not too shabby. Be sure to check out the Instapaper Blog for more details on the app and the iPad development process, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.

Source: Instapaper Blog.

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