Download PwnageTool Bundle for Jailbreaking iOS 4.3 Beta[How To]

Jailbreak iOS 4.3 b1 on iPhone 4 using PwnageTool has already outed but that method makes a broken ramdisk causing many problems after jailbreak.To resolve this problem renowned PwnageTool bundle creator Msftguy is back with his latest release i.e a PwnageTool bundle for jailbreaking iOS 4.3 Beta 1 on iPhone 4.

WARNING : This jailbreak is intended for advanced users only. If you do proceed and unfortunately end up bricking your iPhone, iTD is not to be held responsible!

Copying PwnageTool Bundles to PwnageTool

Step 1: Download Pwnagetool for iOS 4.3 jailbreak.

Step 2: Download PwnageTool bundles (direct download link) and unzip the file.

Step 3: Copy PwnageTool that you downloaded in Step 1 to a folder on your desktop. Right click, and then click on “Show Package Contents”.

Step 4: Read the ReadMe file included in zipped foler for more details.

Modify PwnageTool with the above custom bundle to accept iOS 4.3 beta firmware

Right click PwnageTool and then click on “Show Package Contents”.

Navigate to Contents/Resources/FirmwareBundles/ and paste custom “.bundle” file in this location, then close the folder.

Step 5: Create an iOS 4.3 custom firmware for iPhone 4 using the PwnageTool.

Step 6: Create your own ramdisk using the following steps: (source)

Tools needed: OS X, xpwntool

Unpack the original ramdisk: xpwntool orig_restore_rd.dmg restore_rd.dec.dmg -iv .. -k .. (use the keys from wiki)

Mount the ramdisk: hdiutil attach restore_rd.dec.dmg

Free up some space: rm /Volumes/ramdisk/(some unneeded large-ish file)

Patch asr: mv /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/sbin/asr /tmp/; bspatch /tmp/asr /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/sbin/asr (bundle_path)/asr.patch

Change the restore options: edit /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/local/share/restore/options.plist with Property List Editor, add ‘UpdateBaseband’ = false – see for details

Unmount the ramdisk: hdiutil detach /Volumes/ramdisk

Re-encrypt the ramdisk: xpwntool restore_rd.dec.dmg pwned_restore_rd.dmg -t orig_restore_rd.dmg -iv .. -k ..

Replace the ramdisk inside of CFW produced by the Pwnage Tool with pwned_restore_rd.dmg You can either unzip and re-zip the CFW or replace it inside of /tmp/ipsw dir when PwnageTool is running.

Step 7: Use tetheredboot to boot into tethered mode.

That’s all.


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