Intel Unveils Intel Touchscreen Ultrabook Prototype

During CeBIT 2012, Intel has unveiled a very impressive machine that it intends to use to show the world precisely how OEMs can be used to add awesome touchscreen functionality to ultrabooks. Intel has, for now, shown off just the prototype of Intel Touchscreen Ultrabook, so don’t expect it to hit the markets on it’s own. Rather, just wait for the mainstream ultrabook vendors to be impressed enough to adopt this.

So what is so extra-ordinary about this prototype? Well, for one, this is an excellent ultrabook which comes packed with the additional functionality of touchscreen. A high-end, ultra-sleek laptop with top-of-the-line hardware and touschreen too, if you may have it that way. Of course there are no such ultrabooks out on the shelves yet and this may be a revolutionary idea from Intel.

The prototype that Intel unveiled tooled Windows 7. With a screen form factor of that of an ultrabook, it’s an altogether different experience to use touchscreen on a display which than that offered by smartphone devices or tablets. The prototype has the Zinio digital magazine app installed and when used through touchscreen, it responded brilliantly well. Navigation through the app was a breeze, offering swipe-friendly UI and pinch-to-zoom features.

A very promising prospect for this new kind of ultrabooks is that when tooled with Windows 8, it can certainly enhance the user interface experience to something truly mesmerizing. According to reports, OEM designs for touchscreen laptops are ‘already in the pipeline.’ This means that some ultrabook vendors are already considering it and we can definitely hope to see such designs hit the shelves by 2013.

To get a closer look at the ultrabook, watch the video posted below:

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Salman Latif is a software engineer with a specific interest in social media, big data and real-world solutions using the two.Other than that, he is a bit of a gypsy. He also writes in his own blog. You can find him on Google+ and Twitter .

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