Mobile subscription has reached 6 billion according to a report by The International Telecommunications Union [ITU]. The new figure shows that tele-density is quickly reaching towards global population of a little over 7 billion. Among 6 billion subscriptions, China & India cumulatively share one third of the cell phone subscriptions with a total 2 Billion mobile users.
The report ranks the Republic of Korea as “the world’s most advanced ICT economy”. It also indicates that ITU’s ICT Development Index (IDI) gap is huge between developed and developing countries. Call rate & other prices of ICT services have been dropped by 30% between 2008 and 2011, according to the report.
According to the report, “In the mobile sector, developing countries now account for the lion’s share of market growth. Mobile-cellular subscriptions registered continuous double-digit growth in developing country markets, for a global total of six billion mobile subscriptions by end 2011. Both China and India each account for around one billion subscriptions. Mobile broadband continues to be the ICT service displaying the sharpest growth rates. Over the past year, growth in mobile-broadband services continued at 40% globally and 78% in developing countries. There are now twice as many mobile-broadband subscriptions as fixed-broadband subscriptions worldwide.”
Source: ITU
Courtesy: Ars Technica
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