I don’t know why even in 2014 there is not a single official live stream. All the streaming site is super super annoying. This streaming service like “Janjua TV” shows 3 ads at a time, and you can’t even close those ads for 20sec+, literally 3 ads, one over another. Here is an approach of mine to make it less annoying.
World Cup Football is by far the biggest sports event in the world. This year it broke all record like most watch TV program, most Tweeted etc etc. But time zone is an huge issue, and there is no way to avoid. Like I am currently at GMT+6Hr, so most game is at 2AM or 4AM for me. Its not really wise to watch the game at living room, and awake family members who has office at early morning. That’s why only option is to watch online.
Here is the Live Stream, its the best I could find, just one ad and immediately close-able, and smooth streaming. Bookmark the link – TheTechJournal.com/go/football
Please share if you liked it, also share if you find better streaming source. We will immediately update our streaming source.