Facebook Drag and Drop Photos Feature

Facebook launched drag and drop photos feature.Now you can drag and drop your photos and photo memories easily.This interface for recordering photos and albums on Facebook…..

Using a new drag-and-drop interface, Facebook users can now reorder photos within an album without going to “Edit Album Info”, and can also change the order in which albums appear on their profile. Photos in which a user is tagged still cannot be reordered, nor can videos.

Drag-and-drop photo and album reordering, reportedly the #1 most requested photo feature, was built out in one night by Facebook feed engineer Andrey Sukhachev at the company’s latest Hackathon. Users can now relegate less flattering photos to the end of an album from the photo thumbnail view. Previously to reorder albums, users had to upload a new photo to an album to bump it to the front of the album list.

To reorder photos, open an album and hover over a photo. An icon depicting two crossed lines will appear in the top left corner of the photo thumbnail, signaling that users can drag the photo into a new position. Note that to can’t make a photo that album’s cover by dragging it into the first position, and will still need to go to “Edit Album Info”, click the “Edit Photos” tab, and click the “This is the album cover” button under the photo.

Users can not reorder tagged photos of themselves, which appear in reverse chronological order in the “View Photos of Me” link under their profile picture. Therefore, users will still need to remove the tag if they don’t want new unflattering or boring photos to be the first seen when other users click through photos of them.

Users can not reorder tagged photos of themselves, which appear in reverse chronological order in the “View Photos of Me” link under their profile picture. Therefore, users will still need to remove the tag if they don’t want new unflattering or boring photos to be the first seen when other users click through photos of them.

Thanks :insidefacebook.com

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Bruno

    Olá, há alguns dias não consigo arrastar minhas fotos de perfil do face. Já tentei várias vezes, mas a setinha em forma de linhas cruzadas não aparece. Engraçado que isso não acontece com as fotos de outros álbuns, só nas do perfil. Vc poderia me dar alguma dica? As fotos estavam todas reordenadas do jeito que eu queria, mas ficaram todas por ordem em que foram adicionadas… Grato pela atenção!

  2. garg

    Incredibly annoying

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