Jolla Wants To Liberate The Smartphone Market From Android And iOS

Currently, the smartphone market is dominated by iOS and Android platforms. Other platforms such as Windows Phone and Symbian exist, but their aggregate market share is minimal. Jolla, a Finnish startup, aims to change this by offering its Sailfish OS which, it cites, can be used by different companies to run on their own hardware.

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EU Plans To Impose Hefty Fine On Microsoft Over Browser Ballot Fiasco

Microsoft has been under a lot of heat from the European Union ever since the company committed the ‘browser ballot’ blunder. According to reports, European Commission is now planning to impose a hefty fine on Microsoft for the whole issue, which was a clear violation of the company’s antitrust settlement with the Commission.

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Internet Explorer Gains Over Chrome And Firefox, Reaching Nearly 56% Market Share

Towards the close of 2012, many had speculated that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer may finally lose to the onslaught from the likes of Firefox and Google Chrome. However, with the release of IE10, Internet Explorer has not only been able to stand its ground but has been gaining market share over the last two months.

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Dell Latitude 10 Gets Security Enhancements And A 20-Hour Battery Life

Dell has geared up the features on its Latitude 10 tablet, apparently in a bid to appease the government institutions. The major enhancement are primarily linked to security, such as the inclusion of a fingerprint reader. Moreover, the enhanced tablet now offers a whopping 20-hour battery life.

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MWC 2013: Nokia Unveils Lumia 720 With Modest Specs

During this year’s MWC event, Nokia has kept itself to relatively modest smartphones. Among the releaseS was the Lumia 720, which comes with mid-end specs but packs a rather wholesome punch, thanks to the Carl Zeiss camera technology included in it.

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Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Gets Official

Gadget enthusiasts must have already heard about Samsung’s new phablet – Galaxy Note 8.0. We have seen Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 image leak few days ago. Now, Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 finally made it official.

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FCC Gives The Nod To Huawei Ascend W1

Huawei has been trying to break its entry into the Windows Phone 8 space with its Ascend W1 handset. We caught a glimpse of Huawei Ascend W1 during the CES 2013 event. Soon it may land in the U.S. soon, because the regulatory body, FCC, has approved the handset.

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