MegaUpload’s $42 Million In Assets Seized

FBI cracked down on MegaUpload a few days back. MegaUpload was one of the largest file-sharing sites online and has been accused by numerous content producers of stealing their copyright content. The crack on MegaUpload was worldwide, with members arrested from different countries. Now it has been reported that Customs officials in Hong Kong raided different MegaUpload offices and seized about $42 million in assets. This is definitely a huge setback for the websites and it’s owners who are already in huge trouble.

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MegaUpload Taken Down By FBI, Anonymous Launches Massive Revenge Attack

In a very unexpected move, while SOPA support dithered in US Congress, FBI continued it’s operations against file-sharing sites. The first to be hit was which was taken down by FBI on charges of copyright infringement. But that is just the beginning of the story. As soon as FBI took down Megaupload, the famous hacktivist group Anonymous launched a massive cyber-war against US government, content production agencies supporting SOPA and other anti-piracy organizations.

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File-Sharers Buy 30% More Music Compared To Others

The content industry has been actively hunting down file-sharing websites, with the most notable example being that of MegaUpload. It has been argued in the past that file-sharing promotes the overall music sales. And now a comprehensive study about the file-sharing trends in the U.S. and Germany establishes that file-sharers buy up to 30% more music compared to those who don’t indulge in P2P sharing.

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FBI Has Been Ordered To Show The Allegation Evidences To Kim Dotcom

FBI convinced New Zealand’s anti-terrorism squad to arrest 38 year old Kim Dotcom, a German national and the founder of well popular file sharing site Megaupload. He was arrested on January 19. FBI brought copyright infringement and piracy charges against him. Kim Dotcom wanted to see the allegation evidences, but FBI didn’t show him. On last Monday, 13 August Kim Dotcom got his bail and the New Zealand court has ordered FBI to show Kim Dotcom and his lawyers the allegation evidences, otherwise the extradition hearing will not happen. Seems like the case is going towards a new direction.

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Megabox: Kim Dotcom’s Take On The Content Industry, This Time By Law

Kim Dotcom, the founder of file sharing site Megaupload that was shut down in this January by the FBI, had been struggling to get a bail. He finally got it suddenly on Monday morning. And, after being released from police custody, Kim Dotcom announced his new take on the content industry. This time, it would follow the law and it would be disruptive. So, what is it? Megabox. A music download service that will allow artists to sell their works directly to users.

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Paramount Pictures Found Top 5 ‘Rogue’ Cyberlocker Sites

Copyright owners have been engaged in a battle since long time against online piracy. They are looking for a way to shut down the latest iteration of illegal file sharing. This illegal file sharing is called ‘Cyberlockers.’ Recently, Paramount Pictures have identified top 5 rogue cyberlocker sites. These cyberlocker sites generate page views. These 5 file sharing server (sites) have more than 41 billion page views yearly. Through this, Cyberlockers are earning huge amount of money each year.

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