iOS 4.3.4 Jailbroken With PwnageTool For iPhone, iPad 1 And iPod Touch

Apple has just release iOS 4.3.4 for the iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch. And thankfully, we have custom PwnageTool bundles which allows you to jailbreak any device (except for iPad 2) running iOS 4.3.4, and at the same time preserve your baseband for an Ultrasn0w unlock later on. We’re less than 12 hours clear of iOS 4.3.4 hitting the streets, and already posters at Redmond Pie claim to have a PwnageTool 4.3.3 bundle that unlocks it.

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Download SwirlyMessage For Send SMS And MMS From iPad 2 3G

SwirlyMessage is synonymous with SMS, MMS and SwirlyNet messaging on the iPad 3G and it’seasy to use and contains numerous features from basic sending and reception of SMSes to the killer feature: send and receive SMS and MMS for free to and from friends within SwirlyNet. SwirlyMessage for iPad 3G is the follow up of the popular SwirlyMMS for the iPhone and it is a complete re-write, bottom up, of SwirlyMMS to fully utilize the power of the iPad with its large screen and different form factor………….

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Swype Port For iOS Now Updated (Video)

Developer Andrew Liu creates themes for jailbroken iOS devices, has released a version of Swype for both the iPhone and the iPad, currently available in the Cydia repository although at the moment it’s rather bareboned and Andrew Liu has now updates his port of Swype to iOS improving accuracy and adding the blue trace-line. Swype is a touchscreen keyboard input method that allows users to enter words by sliding a finger from letter to letter and the blue line makes it easier for you to keep track of the word you are typing………………

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Download WhiteD00r For Enable iOS 4 Features On iPhone 2G And iPhone 3G

Are you wondering how to enable iOS 4 features on your iPhone 3G, iPhone 2G, so there is a good new for you that you can enable iOS 4 features on your iPhone 3G, iPhone 2G by using WhiteD00r. If you ready to jailbreak your iPhone 3G and iPhone 2G using WhiteD00r, then you can enable iOS 4 features on your iPhone 3G and iPhone 2G. Whited00r firmware for iPhone 2G and iPod touch 1G is a modified iPhone OS 3.1.3 version, which includes many new features of iOS 4………….

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TinyUmbrella Update Fixes 5.0b1 SHSH Blobs For iPhone 4 CDMA

Notcom has updated SHSH blobs saving tool TinyUmbrella to v 5.00.02 and if you have got your hands on iOS 5 beta 2, then this is probably the right time save SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella 5.00.02 before Apple stops signing it. TinyUmbrella 5.00.02 is only crucial for those with an iPhone 4 CDMA and the reason for this update is due to an error in the save filename of the 5.0b2 SHSH file………..

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PDF Patcher 2 Released by Comex to Fix PDF Exploit

JailbreakMe 3.0 was released earlier today which can be used to jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 on iOS devices including iPad 2. As we all know, Comex used a PDF exploit to jailbreak different iOS device but this exploit also makes the device vulnerable to hackers which might result in loss of important data. Think it this way, if someone install the same software on any other website and when you open that website, the hacker can have access to your device and can steal important data stored in your device.

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AT&T To Unlock iPhone 4 At Checkout

Apple began selling unlocked iPhone 4 models that are compatible with more than just AT&T’s GSM-based cell network earlier in June and that started circulating over the weekend claiming shoppers weren’t limited to purchasing unlocked iPhones from the Apple Web site. Unlocked iPhones will allow you to insert a SIM card from any GSM carrier and the unlocked GSM-compatible iPhone 4 is priced at US$649 for the 16GB model, and $749 for the 32GB version…………

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Facebook Hired iPhone Hacker Geohot

Jailbreaker George Hotz, better known as Geohot has started working at Facebook and Joshua Hill (P0sixninja) recently mentioned in an interview that Geohot is trying to avoid the limelight after his legal battle with Sony and is concentrating on his day job at Facebook. It is unclear what his role is at Facebook and he must working on something related to Facebook’s apps for iPhone. Hotz was sued by Sony after the jailbreaker created a custom firmware for the PS3 using a root key, but now Hotz is no longer able to have a PSN account or ever modify any Sony devices……….

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