Sony has introduced a new VAIO Z laptop in Europe to rival Apple’s MacBook Air slenderness and this new carbon fiber laptop is not only thinner and lighter than the Air, but also packs a punch in the specs department. Sony’s ultraslim 13-inch VAIO Z laptop packs external GPU for power on demand and it features only Intel’s HD Graphics 3000 solution but the VAIO Z beats other ultralights with its Power Media Dock, which contributes the power of an AMD Radeon 6650M GPU with 1GB of dedicated memory. The pricing starts at £1,434 ($2,294) with a Core i5 CPU, 4GB of RAM and no PMD ; the dock is a £400 ($640) option with no optical drive included, while upgrading to a 1080p 13.1-inch LCD is a mere £40 extra………..