Mobile Lorm Glove : A Communication Device For Deaf & Blind People

Being blind limits ones vision but one can still communicate through sound. Being deaf limits ones hearing but one can rely on sign language and reading to interact with others. But being deaf and blind severely limits your communication options to just touch. Lots of people are out there who can’t hear and see. Their lives are really miserable. They can’t even enjoy life properly. The ‘Mobile Lorm Glove’ is specially made for them. Mobile Lorm Glove lets the deaf and blind communicate and connect with others using mobile technology.

The Mobile Lorm Glove is a communication and translation device for the deaf-blind. It translates the hand-touch alphabet Lorm, a common form of communication used by people with both hearing and vision impairment, into digital text and vice-versa. The prototype enables the deaf-blind user to compose messages via the pressure sensitive palm of the glove that are transmitted as a text message to the receiver’s handheld device. Vibrotactile feedback patterns allow the wearer to perceive incoming messages. It supports communication over distance, provides access to autonomous information and serves as an interpreter for people not familiar with Lorm.

The project was developed at the Design Research Lab by Tom Bieling, Ulrike Gollner and Gesche Joost. The next phase of research will include direct speech input and output. Check out the video below.

Source : Huffingtonpost



Anatol Rahman is the Editor at TheTechJournal. He loves complicated machineries, and crazy about robot and space. He likes cycling. Before joining TheTechJournal team, he worked in the telemarketing industry. You can catch him on Google+.

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