Samsung Electronics Co Ltd developed a 18.5-inch LCD display whose power consumption is as low as 6.3W and exhibited it at SID 2010.
At the company’s booth, the display was connected to a PC via a USB2.0 cable and powered only by the PC.
The low power consumption was realized by improving the transmittance of the panel and the luminance efficiency of the backlight. The transmittance of the panel, which is a TN-mode panel, is about 7%. But the company declined to comment on the specific technologies used to improve the transmittance.
The display is equipped with an edge-lit type backlight unit that uses LEDs as its light source. The LEDs have a higher efficiency than those used for existing LCD monitors. However, their lifetime is 30,000 hours, which is 20,000 hours shorter than that of the existing LCD monitors’ LEDs.
The pixel count, luminance and contrast ratio of the new LCD display are 1,366 x 768, 250cd/m2 and 1,000:1, respectively.
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Samsung Electronics Co Ltd developed a 18.5-inch LCD display.
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