The advantage of a drone is it can be launched from anywhere. Earlier we reported that US Navy launched a drone from submarine. But this time, it is a drone that launched a rocket!
This is a scratch-proof quadcopter. It has a motor of AX-2810 750KV and batteries of 2200 4s Zippy Compact series. The center plate of the quadcopter which launched the rocket is made of 3 mm plywood. This quadcopter has four 1″ square woody arm, each 36″ (900 mm) long. A pair of central copper strips connect the motors to the battery. The motors and battery are mounted on the bottom of the drone, as far from the rocket’s blast as possible. The metal disk at the center is placed to absorb the rocket’s blast. Here is the video.
To know how such a quadcopter that would launch a rocket was made, hit the link below.
Source: Flitetest