[Review] Pinterest For Android : Flawless, Fast And Easy To Use

Pinterest, the social network of ‘pinning’ images hit the Google Play store a few months ago. With sufficient knowledge gained throughout my Pinterest journey I am going to speak the uttermost truth over the application’s features. I was amazed by the efficiency brought on by the Android application. On my Samsung Galaxy S3 I was capable of viewing my news-feed, pinning photos, and much more. Almost all tasks typically completed on a computer are able to be accomplished on the Android app.

If Pinterest for Android could be described using one adjective, I would choose “flawless” because it’s nearly a replica of the website. I’m a huge fan of the website, it’s simple, intuitive and really set-out for users to explore around without any issue. When you fire up the Pinterest application, you are brought immediately to the home page as-seen on a desktop web browser. I love that I’m not held responsible to learn a whole new interface, consistent with applications such as Facebook.

The dashboard provides an adequate way of viewing recently ‘pinned’ images of the users you follow. You can re-pin, like, and comment on any image by tapping. The search/categories page provides a way of discovering unexplored content. All familiar options, including pins, boards, and people are present after completing a search.

Scrolling between pages of Pinterest for Android is exerted splendidly. The application uses a Holo-type layout which makes flipping through categories very enjoyable. As you may have noticed, the same familiar red and white theme is used on the mobile-app.

Sharing pinned images with friends has never been so-easy. The application provides a means of sharing to Facebook, Twitter, email, Reddit, and many more with a tap of a button. This menu is provided courtesy of Android, but at the least-bit I am impressed.

Developers really hit the spot with this application. They kept the same design and functionality and transferred it onto an application. Whether you’re on an Android tablet or phone, the screen adjusts without having that ‘stretched’ look. I can honestly say Pinterest for Android is one of the best designed applications I have ever come along. Now I ask to hear you, the readers, thoughts on the design and functionality of the Pinterest app.

Google Play Link:


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Ryan St. Onge

I'm Ryan, the latest addition to The Tech Journal team. You can find me on a Twitter and view my personal website here.

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