There is no hazitation in the fact that one of Apple’s big project right now is bringing the AppStore to the MacOSX.Apple is busily working away at this but Saurik has given some charming information.Tuaw has reported that Saurik gave a presentation at the 360MacDec conference explaining to Mac developers that he would be opening up a MacOSX version of Cydia within the coming weeks.
Currently, Cydia Installer has been used by about 10% of all iPhone users, or about 10 million devices. There are well over 30,000 packages available for iOS, and a lot of open source material can be downloaded from Cydia. He refers to Cydia as a store for things that are not apps, but extensions of what iOS devices can do.
Freeman felt that the same type of store would be useful for Mac OS X devices; the result is a Mac Cydia, which will be available “within weeks.” With today’s news that the Mac App Store will not support in-app purchases, something that is critical to the freemium app model that is so successful in the iOS world, a Mac Cydia might be just the web store for a number of Mac developers.
Many developers were recently disappointed with Apple’s announcement that the Mac App Store will initially not support in-app purchases. This is certainly one thing we expect to see in the Mac Cydia store and will make for a great alternative for devs hoping to distribute their apps on a freemium revenue model.
Thanks to Tuaw
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May 10? You bastards.
i cant wait until cydia come to mac.
Aww, shit. Already july.