Famous Taiwan pop star jimmy Lin posted a picture of himself holding two devices one is apple current ipad and second is prototype mini ipad which mean this is the First prototype of upcoming ipad mini…….
A famous Taiwan Pop Star Jimmy Lin shared a picture of real iPad Mini through his Sina Microblog account yesterday. The picture shows two devices, one is iPad and the other is iPad Mini and the topic of the message was “New Toy Mini iPad”.Jimy also says in the message that it is a prototype and the size is good for his one year old son to play with.
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I don’t think that one is a really 7inch iPad, as I don’t see the camera on it!! it’s a Big Old Hoax!
Well, to the iPad 2, Im looking forward to be thinner, lighter, and with the camera, of course Facetime video chat support, though the first iPad make me sucked in videos and movies enjoy, though sometime need the help of iFunia iPad video converter for lack of flash support, I think if have the camera will be cooler and more appeal~
I live in Taiwan and personally know some of the suppliers, iPad 3, or mini pad is coming in Q3!