China’s Green Dam Dropped

It appears that the Green Dam project has been dropped by the Chinese government, after the Industry and Information Technology minister, Li Yizhong said that it was a misunderstanding which sprawled the notion that the Green Dam would be required on every computer. According the minister the controversy was raised by poorly written regulations.
The minister informed that the software must be installed in public schools and government offices, while the public reserves their right to choose whether to install the software on their computer or not. He also added that the government will not force the computer manufacturers to pre-install in the machine or deliver the software in a CD.
The US backed plan of implementing Green Dam had sparked fierce opposition among the netizens of China from the very beginning. A group of hackers, named Anonymous, even threatened an attack on Green dam, if implemented. Certainly, this is not happening.


Manoj Pravakar Saha is an Editor of TheTechJournal. He was one the founding members of TheTechJournal. He was working for the telecom gear-maker Ericsson before joining TheTechJournal team. Manoj searches for meaning in this chaotic world. Find him on Google+.

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  1. Endeadereor

    ?????????????? ??? ??????

  2. Steacuuff

    ?????? ????????, ????????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??????, ??????? ??? ?? ???!

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