Windows Mobile 7 Coming Soon

For months, mobile-phone users have heard rumors that Windows Mobile 7 might be delayed. However, Microsoft's mobile operating system may be in the hands of users sooner than expected. Industry…

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WordPress 2.9 Features List

WordPress 2.9 is in “feature freeze”, which means no new features will be considered for this version, and the developers will concentrate on finishing up the existing new features and…

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Android 2.0 Screenshot Bonanza

Android 2.0 hasn't been released or announced yet. But the BGR has already pictured it. And boy it's a crackerjack. The version is not the final build. But it has…

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Chrome OS Event Tomorrow

Finally! I got an answer for my friends who have make my life miserable over Chrome OS. Here is your Chrome OS build, made available for download by Jonathan Frederickson.…

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Microsoft planning 128-bit Windows 8 and 9

An embarrassing leak from Microsoft's R&D team has brought its plan to design 128-bit operating systems succeeding Windows 7 into limelight. Microsoft employee Robert Morgan appeared to detail the software…

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