Boeing Supersonic Airliner Concept Takes A Test Flight

Aviation industry has evolved quickly over the recent years and we have seen concept designs of many new airliners. But the new supersonic airliner concept, being developed by Boeing, trumps all other contemporary designs. The company is currently testing a mockup of this concept at NASA facilities.

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Google Finally Releases Glass Kernel GPL Source For Developers

Google Glass’ Explorer edition has been out there for a while now. Developers have been testing it out and discerning the exploits, if any. The search giant has now released the kernel source of the gadget, letting developers delve deeper into the back-end details of the gadget.

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Galaxy S4 Scores High Marks On Repairability, Says iFixit

Folks at iFixit have a knack of tearing down every new gadget on the market and then discern how repairable it is. While most of Apple’s products have score fairly low when it comes to repairability, Samsung Galaxy S4 is apparently easy to disassemble and repair, earning it a high repairability score.

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Planetary Resources Aims To Launch Its First Satellites In 2014

Planetary Resources, formerly known as Arkyd Astronautics, is a billionaire-backed asteroid-mining company. Planetary Resources wants to mine asteroids for their sweet, sweet minerals and make a business out of it. Recently, we have come to know that the company plans to launch its first satellites in 2014.

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Canonical Unveils A Well-Polished Ubuntu 13.04

A lot of anticipation has surrounded the latest version of Ubuntu 13.04, namely Raring Ringtail. Canonical released the beta version of Raring Ringtail earlier and has now finally lifted the wraps off the full release. The new version, numbered Ubuntu 13.04, is available for download.

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Millennials Are Generally Concerned About Their Online Privacy, Survey Reveals

Online privacy has emerged as one of the key issues due to the recent explosion of social media. A recent survey, conducted on internet users aged between 18 and 34 (also called the millennials) , suggests that these users are fairly conscious about their online privacy, but may compromise some of it to get financial or other perks.

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Study Finds Humans Have Strong Empathy For Robots

Few days ago, a study conducted by the HffPost and YouGov found that almost 1 in 10 American wouldn’t mind to have sex with robots. From the result, you can imagine that human beings have an empathetic side for robots. This is proven yet again by the University of Duisburg, Essen in a new study.

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