Zuckerberg Purchases Four Houses Adjacent To His Home In Palo Alto

If your fortunes are estimated to be at $19 billion, buying a house isn’t exactly an issue for you. So it is quite unsurprising that Facebook’s founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has bought four houses adjacent to his own home in Palo Alto, paying a total sum which is in the neighborhood of $30 million.

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Zuckerberg Says Rumors Of Teens Leaving Facebook Aren’t True

In the past, it has been frequently cited that the teenagers are no longer interested in Facebook. There have been many articles claiming that teens are starting to quit the social network. However, Mark Zuckerberg has now refuted such claims during the quarterly earnings call.

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Randi Zuckerberg Aims To Take The Hollywood Crown To Silicon Valley

Randi Zuckerberg believes that the future of content production is not in Hollywood but in Silicon Valley. Her ‘Zuckerberg Media’ studios aims to lead the charge on this transition by becoming one of the first production houses in the region. And Zuckerberg has big plans with the new startup.

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Zuckerberg Family’s Facebook Photo Controversy Finally Settles Down

Recently, the sister of Facebook’s founder, Randi Zuckerberg kicked up a melee on the social media when apparently one of her personal photos made its own way to Twitter. Many cited the irony this held for Facebook and its privacy settings. The issue seemed to have settled down now, though.

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Developer Writes Angry Letter To Zuckerberg, Goes Viral

Dalton Caldwell recently wrote an open letter to Facebook’s co-founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. The letter alleged that Facebook had initially supported Caldwell’s startup but later threatened to crush it because it somehow competed with a Facebook product. Soon after he wrote the letter, it went viral on the web.

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Zuckerberg Says, Facebook Phone Wouldn’t Make Any Sense

A lot of rumors have been circling around the web about a possible Facebook phone, lately. In fact, it has been reported in the past that Facebook had hired a number of ex-Apple employees to work on such a device. But now, Facebook’s co-founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has popped the balloon of a Facebook phone.

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Lawsuit Filed Against Facebook And Zuckerberg Over IPO

While Facebook’s IPO was quite eventful in a lot of ways, it is now coming to light that all may not have gone as well as it seemed. A lawsuit has now been filed against Facebook as well as its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, for concealing important information regarding company’s revenue forecasts from investors at large.

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Zuckerberg Sells Part Of His Facebook Stock For $1.2 Billion

Facebook’s IPO has been fairing fairly good so far, staying well up of $30 though a lot lower than the $45 it touched within the first few hours. Nonetheless, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to liquidate a part of his stock of Facebook shares to pay off the taxes. As it turns out, the stock has paid him off really well.

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