Three New Vostro Laptops From Dell With Optional 4G LTE

Dell has released three new laptops under its Vostro 3000 series, namely Vostro 3360, Vostro 3460 and Vostro 3560. The notebooks are available in 13-inch, 14-inch and 15-inch sizes, respectively. You will be able to configure the models with either second generation (Core i3) or third generation (Core i5 or Core i7) Intel CPUs along with several graphics options. You can also extend the RAM up to 8GB. Keep in mind, these are entry-level business notebooks. All three models have fingerprint readers, file and folder encryption, security software, and optional 4G LTE mobile broadband.

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PureView Will Be A Part Of Future Lumia Devices, Nokia Confirms

Nokia pretty much stunned the world when it revealed its 808 PureView handset. Since then, the world has been asking that whether or not the company will be including its PureView Technology in other handsets. Now, Nokia has confirmed that PureView will be a part of the future releases of its flagship Windows Phone Lumia devices.

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[Tutorial] Sort Your iPhoto Videos And Photos With Smart Albums

iPhone and iPad users often indulge in clicking away images with their devices and recording videos. The real challenged arrives when they have to import all this data to iPhoto. iPhoto then mercilessly sorts these photos and videos based on Event and date, but that’s not most of us would want them to be sorted. How about a way of sorting videos into a separate album using iPhoto?

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Seagate ‘Backup Plus’ Storage Drives Integrate Social Media

Seagate has introduced a new line of portable and desktop hard drive called ‘Backup Plus’. The new drive provides easy setup and one-click backup. By using its new Dashboard app, users can easily maintain their data through one click “backup” button. Its backup methods are really classic and by using its Dashboard, users also can upload files/photos to social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Flickr. Users are able to download existing file/photos from those services also. Seagate Backup Plus drives will at first be available in capacities of 500GB, 750GB and 1TB capacities for portable drives and 1TB to 4TB for Backup Plus desktop drives.

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Microsoft Plans To Give Hotmail A New Look And A New Name

It was about time Hotmail got redesigned. The mailing service has been draped in more or less the same looks for quite a long time but it seems the time has come for it to get a face-lift. Naturally, with its Windows 8, Microsoft is pretty much hooked to the metro interface and the same interface will be trickling on to these new looks of Hotmail, as per the rumors.

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Microsoft Takes Significant Step Towards Linux By Offering Azure Platform-As-A-Service

For a long time, many have rejoiced in pitting Microsoft against Linux or the open-source community at large. However, like they say, things are never in the white and black so vividly. And that is so in this case too. Microsoft has attempted to work with Linux in the past too and now, the company has taken a huge step in terms of Microsoft-Linux collaboration.

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Adobe Repaired Critical Flash Bugs, Also Released Sandboxed Plug-in For Firefox

Adobe has repaired seven critical debilitation in Flash Player and side by side released sandboxed plug-in for Firefox and security updates for Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. The company also released Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Android 4.x, and Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Android 3.x and 2.x, respectively. It is the fifth security update in 2012, that means Adobe has faced many security bugs. The company said that these updates allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.

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How To Reset Your LinkedIn Password?

We recently reported that a Russian hacker had claimed to have stolen some 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords and then having them posted to online forums. LinedIn, after relenting for some time, yielded to the claims and confirmed the leak, prompting the users to immediately change their LinkedIn passwords. Here’s a quick guide on how to do so.

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