Control Your TiVo Premiere With USB or Wireless Keyboards

Hay it possible to control your TiVo Premiere With USB or Wireless Keyboards . Any USB and most standard IR or RF HID-compliant wireless keyboards can be used to control the device proved by Dave Zatz.
While we wait for the official peripheral, it seems our old friend Dave Zatz has been snooping around the internet searching for alternatives and best of all, he’s found ’em. Turns out even a wireless keyboard will do the trick, with the directional pad and alphanumeric keys working as expected and the function keys serving as shortcuts.Other hidden functionality should pave the way for Android and iPhone apps to do the trick, but in the meantime, our run-of-the-mill USB keyboard worked just fine.

The keyboard mapping isn’t completely perfect for some reason. Like the backspace and space bar are elusive but this definitely seems like a much more comfortable way to navigate menus on the TiVo Premiere.
Watch the video that proof of concept with an off-the-shelf Arc Keyboard.



Imrul Haque is Product Engineer at TheTechJournal. He writes about new products and covers mobile apps. You can reach him on Twitter And Google+.

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