Google launched its Google+ Developers page in order to invite users to stay connected to all the latest Google+ platform news, community events and much more. To get info and updates, all you need to do is add Google+ Developers to your circles. Now Google is inviting third-party developers with an interest in Google+ Developers to join the ranks. The new page will offer the best place to practice +Platform APIs skills. Also the team plans to host regular hangouts in order to exchange information about the +Platform and share little known specs with the general public.
Facebook and Twitter have been known to use write APIs for their cross-posting feats, so the fact that Google+ is bring this out is a huge bonus. But so far, the +Platform is only made up by read-only APIs and some badge creating tolls. Google+ developer-relations team lead Chris Chabot writes about Google’s long term plans:
“The +Platform team will also share Google+ developer events, conferences and hackathons, as well as photos and videos of the events. In addition, we’ll announce and discuss our +Platform launches on our page.” An Android developers page has been included in Google+ pages and will be starting its hangouts Wednesday at 2 p.m. Pacific Time. Things seem to be getting serious.